Returns and Exchanges - buy at no risk !

You can alwaysreturn tickets for full refund or change them for any other tickets. Returns and exchanges can be made not later that 2 weeks (14 days) before the performance.
It is exclusive offer available only from
Why do you need it ?
If you buy tickets in advance, you get advance booking discount. E.g. if you book tickets more than 3 months before the performance, you get 7% discount from the tickets price.
You can buy tickets with the discount and do not worry if your change your plans.
1. If your trip will be cancelled or you just decided not to go to the show, we will give you the full refund gladly.
2. You know you will visit Moscow, Russia, but you do not know the exact dates yet. You can order tickets and get discount.
If your plans are changed, you can change your tickets to any other tickets - to another date, or another show, or to another seats. You still have the discount that you got.
We do not charge you any commission for the exchanges. In case of new tickets will be less expensive that the ones you ordered, we will refund you price difference completely.
For exchanges or refunds, please contact your customer service representative.