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Concert State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi" artistic director and chief conductor - Vladimir Spivakov
Moscow International Musical Arts Center. Grand Hall

Schedule for State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi" artistic director and chief conductor - Vladimir Spivakov 2022

Soloist and dirizher - Andres Mustonen , beard 

Rosette . Symphony Saulieu minor
Vivalydi . Symphony orchestras and dlya strunnogo bass continuo F major
IS Bach. Concert dlya orkestrom beard with my major
Silyvestrov . "Silent muzыka " dlya strunnogo Orchestra
Kancheli . « Malenykaya Daneliada »
Roto . Concert Orchestra dlya strunnogo
PROGRAM yanvarskogo concert « Virtuozov Moskvy ", how ever: porazhaet impeccability kompozitsiey - related muzыkalynomu proizvedeniyu . Kontrastы pathos and lyrics seryeznogo and legkogo , starinnogo and novogo , raritetnogo and populyarnogo « derzhat » Posted protyazhenii vsego night, not even ostavlyaya maleyshego chance otvlechysya or zaskuchaty .
Sochineniya Vivalydi and Baja vershina virtuoznogo iskusstva XVIII centuries perpetuity bыli « konykom » ansamblya gives vozmozhnosty prodemonstrirovaty masterstvo kazhdogo muzыkanta . Symphony nemetskogo composer Francesco Antonio Rosette , sovremennika Mozart imenovavshego sebya of italyyanskiy mode - odno around nemnogochislennыh orkestrovыh work vnesshih in yasnыy and garmonichnыy peace klassicheskoy эpohi lyrical pateticheskuyu svetoteny .
Muzыke proshlыh ever rezoniruet sovremennaya . Neistovstvo barochnыh geniev , klassicheskoe elegance and grace bizarre otrazhayutsya in sochineniyah kompozitorov our dney , vzirayushtih of proshloe it with yumorom it with nostalygiey . « Mertsaya how dыmka of dalekom nebesnom Putin ego muzыka it zahvatыvaet you tselikom it othodit kuda th vdaly . Radikalynыe peredovыe ideas sochetayutsya with momentami neobыchaynoy krasotы "- words amerikanskogo journal Billboard o sochineniyah kievskogo composer Valentina Silyvestrova just popadayut in Celje . Incomprehensible around khaki glubin and vыsot beretsya ego quiet zavorazhivayushtaya muzыka , Slovenia and net of Spinola bezumnыh potryaseniy proshlogo century. Concert Orchestra dlya strunnogo Nino also will Rotы beautiful and romantic, and to nope it work ugadыvayutsya znakomыe oborotы around ego saundtrekov k kinofilymam . Candor regarding k kinomuzыke imeet and " Malenykaya Daneliada » Gee Kancheli - DANIO respects the love and re- znamenitomu zhisseru Georgiyu Daneliya . Znakomыe tunes throughout Lent « Kin - dza - dza " and " encapsulation Slezы » plus not me znakomыe vozglasы " Coo ! ", Kotorыe with vidimыm udovolystvie ispolnyaet orchestras - all эto zvuchit in ispolnenii « Virtuozov » inimitable .
 The concert prinimaet participation эstonskiy skripach and dirizher Andres Mustonen . Ego ispolnitelyskaya Manera otlichaetsya improvisational svobodoy and artistizmom . « Orchestras dlya change - not statichnыy instrument and live organisms sostoyashtiy around muzыkantov , kotorыe constantly vzaimodeystvuyut between Sobol and dopolnyayut Other Other » - podcherknul on odnom around in their intervyyu .

Schedule for State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosi" artistic director and chief conductor - Vladimir Spivakov 2022

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